Blinde Kuh Facelift




at KAMUNA 2017 in Karlsruhe


Today public or semi-public spaces are becoming less and less a place for non-digital communication, collaboration or social exchange. This change might be mainly caused by novel handheld devices which allow us to be physically present but not mentally. This behavior is not only unsocial, it can also lead to potential dangerous situations (Haga 2015). Instead of understanding communication devices as tools to communicate over long distances, we are interested in developing devices supporting onsite face-to-face communication in public or semi-public spaces. In this publication, we propose a digital adaptation of the famous children game blind man’s buff as an installation to foster communication and collaboration between people in physical space.

publication: Fostering Human-to-Human Communication and Collaboration in Physical Space by Playful Augmentation and Information Inequality

article: Schwarzwälder Bote