Team: Sandra Beuck, Lydia Friedrich, Sabrina Lange
DoP: Safak Avci

»Digimorph« is an artistic representation of one’s self-perception and the perception by others in digital dating. Regarding the ideal of two people created for each other, DIGIMORPH shows the impact that a digital mate choice has on interpersonal relationships through a distorted self-image.

The story of the film is told through music, dance performance and body language, as well as through color and bodypainting. The project was developed in cooperation with the Musikhochschule Trossingen, Savak Avci and another 40 helpers.

The own performance in the project consisted of the following tasks:

  • Conception and organization: Creation of a storyboard, creation of shooting schedule and daily scheduling
  • Production: lighting design and installation
  • Post-production: editing and effects

In 2016, DIGIMORPH has been awarded the Media Prize of Furtwangen University.
